Thursday, July 16, 2009

Updates & Hank

Hey it's Brad!

Just popping in to catch ya'll up on we've been up to.

First order, of business, i have new hairs. I like it alot. Victoria is good at what she does.

Second and most important is the new addition for our little family, Hank!

Hank is a purebred basset hound. He's 11 weeks old!

He loves and adores his big brother Charlie.

Charlie is a decent big brother, but does get a tad rough with him sometimes. Here's a (super dark) video to illustrate.

Charlie doesn't understand things like "slow" and "gentle".

Hank is Charlie's polar opposite. He's so fat, so lazy, so relaxed. He waddles when he walks, just likes to lay around and sleep, and it takes him like 20 minutes to eat his 3/4 cup meals, whereas it takes Charlie .3 seconds to eat his 1 1/2 cup meals!
Look at those ears!!!

Here's their little homes.

Anyway, we've had him a few days now and we love him to pieces. He fits in perfectly.

doe toe and a moe toe.

See ya'll soon!

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