Monday, July 6, 2009

The 4th!

Hey ya'll, It's Victoria!

Happy Birthday America!

The day started alright. I had to work until six, and we were soooo slow. Parking was super crazy down at the beach so I had to get all festive and get our cooler ready before i even got off work.

I went home and picked up Brad and we went down and got in line for a parking spot. We kept aking everyone, "Are you leaving? Scuse me! Are you leaving?" Finally, we found this family who was leaving, but had to pack up the car, shower off, and all kinds of stuff before we finally got to claim our spot. They were funny.

Once we parked, we walked around to all the shops down by the public beach, went to The Hangout (they had a band there and stuff), and just generally killed time until the fireworks started at 9.

One of my friends from work and her boyfriend met us down there to watch the fireworks. The beach was paaaaacked. The display was a little weak, but seeing them shot over the ocean was cool. They were handing out these 3d glasses that were supposed to make the fireworks all trippy, but they just gave us a headache.

(picture is a little dark, but you get the idea)

After the fireworks in Gulf Shores, Brad and I rushed over to The Wharf (a big condo/shopping center/ampitheater type place in Orange Beach) and caught the last couple songs of Montgomery Gentry through the fence. Brad conned a parking lot attendant into letting us park in the vendor lot, so we got right up by the tour busses. As it turned out, the firework display for The Wharf was being shot off from RIGHT THERE! We were so close, I was afraid the empty firework shells were gonna fall on us! The fireworks here were amazingly better! The finale got NUTS!

All up and down the beach, people were lighting off fireworks and everyone was getting all rowdy. It was real fun.

After all that, we came home and had a pretty quiet, uneventful rest of the night! It was a solid day.

HAPPY 4th!!!!!

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