Sunday, July 5, 2009


This is the start of our blog! Thanks all for reading!

Well, we're here in Gulf Shores, AL. Our place here is gorgeous, although it doesn't look like much in pictures. You'll just have to come see for yourself!

Victoria has been working like crazy at SmartStyle in WalMart, covering for my lazy butt. We've been here a month and I've already gotten and lost a job... Oh man. New restaurants can be difficult! I'm so tired of opening new places anyway! Hopefully things will work out this week though. I'm really trying hard!

Charlie loves it here. We tried to get him a buddy, who we named Waylon, but it was too crazy and really didn't work out, so we had to take him back. Lesson learned!!! He sure was cute though.

They have a dog park right down the street where we take Charlie so he can run around. He's not allowed on the public beaches, but there is a beach about 10 miles down our road that he can go to. He likes it, but the waves scare him alot! He's getting big, but hopefully he'll stop growing soon! He's a total momma's boy.

We go to the beach maybe twice a week, on Victoria's days off. We've got some great tans going on.

Everything else is just as normal as can be.

We miss everyone like crazy and can't wait to see ya'll!


  1. Yay! Love the new blog. Your place looks nice! Can't wait to see it at the end of July. Love and miss you guys!!

  2. I hope Vicky isn't jealous of that alligator. Wow.

    Anyway, I wanna hear the details man. All the good stories about how you got fired and all the jokes you are playing on your neighbors and stuff like that. And how many summerbirds you've shot so far.

    Miss you too, buddy.
