Saturday, September 12, 2009

Seth and the GATOR FARM!!!

Hey ya'll! Sorry we havent posted for a bit! We're just getting settled into routine with the roomates and whatnot.

Plus, Seth came to visit this week!

We went crabbing the first day and attempted to have some blue crab dinner, but everyone except David and Shelly got pretty grossed out. We were watching a video aboout how to pick blue crab and the guy called the crab guts "mustard" and then ate it all..... I was done after that.

Anyway, the next day Seth, Victoria, and I went to ALLIGATOR ALLEY!!!
It's this local gator farm that takes in alligators that have attacked humans or other animals. Kindof like gator jail.

They have 175 or so full size gators and some massive ones! Like 14 feet long!

Also, they have Captain Crunch, who holds the world record for strongest alligator bite at like 2989 lbs of pressure. That's nuts!

They even had some little baby gators that you could feed! I took a video!

Here's their website, if you're interested: GATOR ALLEY FARM

We got to see a feeding and the guy was just in there with like 20 gators, some of them like 800 lbs and 13-14 feet long! They'd hiss and try to bite him and he'd just prod them with a stick and be like, "Get outta here." He was kindof a badass.

Seth and I went to the beach later that day and did some boogie boarding.

Seth, David, and I played some music last night, which was really cool. We recorded a song together that I'm really excited about!

Anyway, he left today, but we had a great time!

Love ya'll!

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