Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a routine update.

Hey guys. Sorry we wait so long between posts!

Just a few little updates:

Victoria and I had a great time visiting St. Louis a couple weeks ago!
I got to sing at Wente's in Chesterfield that Saturday night. It was a blast!

A little news, as well: They asked me to come back to Wentes and sing the day before Thanksgiving! So I'll be back for a few days around then!

Other than that, David and I have been learning alot of new songs and playing all the open mic nights around here! People are LOVING it!

The plan is to spend the winter networking and playing these open mic nights and as many gigs as we can get. We've also found a guy who might record us this winter. So then, when the season rolls back around, we'll be able to sell as many cds as possible, and count on the tourists to take our stuff home with them. Then when it comes time to hit Nashville, we might atleast have some sort of following or atleast some people who know who we are!

So the plan is in motion!

Anyway, everything else is going good. I need to get hired somewhere before I can start training for my CDL, but I'm on the verge of it, so I'm about to be a truck driver! Haha, whodathunk?

Victoria is doing great, working hard, making money. She misses you all very much and says to send her love.

We love you guys! See you all soon!

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