Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wow, long time...

Wow it's been awhile since we've posted. I can't believe it's almost the end of January.

Time flies...

It feels like Christmas was just yesterday, and we were home in St. Louis with all of you.
We had so much fun, we can't even tell you guys. We miss you all so much. Victoria cries when we watch videos of little Katers, and we are so excited to get to meet Baby Jack, who I guess is due any day now.

Wow, time flies...

Things are going really good here. I wish it would stop raining. When it has, it's been sunny and 75 degrees so I want it to stop for good!

The snow-birds are here, and they keep Victoria really busy at work with their little blue hair. Her feet hurt when she gets off, but I take care of her when she gets home so she can just prop up on the couch, so she's ok.

Now that she's 21, we've been going out quite a bit more, to some new places we haven't been.
Her and Shelly even had a girls night last Sunday night and went out without us!

I've been working really hard on music and booking gigs with David and my buddy T-Bone. Were learning a ton of stuff really fast, and writing a bit too. We play the open mic nights to try them out, but we're working hard on booking the paid gigs too.

Spring is right around the corner, and the town is ready for it. Bring on the 6,000,000 people that will come through here by October. I want to play music every night.

We don't really have any new pictures to post with this update.

Oh wait! We sent out thank you notes, so expect those, but for awhile, we were just going to post a "Thank-You Blog". We decided notes would be more sincere. But we do have like 2 pics for that. Here they are!


Victoria rockin the new mixer that Nama gave her. Thanks Nama!

....and that's as far as we got.

Well, we love you guys and miss you like crazy. We'll be back in St. Louis in a couple months to meet the new baby. We can't wait!

Wish us luck on everything we do! Til next time! Let's hope it's not as long this time. Byeeeee!

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