Thursday, August 6, 2009

Family Vacations part 2!

Hey Ya'll! Its Victoria!
It's been a busy couple of weeks, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Seeing all the family was way over due.

My family came in on Friday night. I had to work all that day. It was like Christmas, I couldn't wait to get home.

They finally got here around seven or so and we went out to eat at the Shrimp Basket! Always a fav.

Saturday, once again, I had to work, but the gals at work were really nice at let me leave early. Brad and my fam went to go look at a house in the morning and I caught up later to find THE HOUSE WE'RE MOVING IN TO! Finally all that is over!

That night my lil bro, Anthony, made an awesome dinner! We had shrimp and scallop skewers, new potatoes, and corn on the cob. It was super good.

Anthony got a little bit of a hair make over while he was here and that night was the first step.

I was actually off on Sunday so it was our beach day! Oh sand... We spent the majority of the day there had a little lunch. The water was really calm. Gracie finally got her beach time!

Anthony's hair finally done!

That night we went out to Live Bait for karaoke! My Grandma finally got to hear Bradley sing. What a blast! That place gets nuts! We ended up getting Gracie a great Fake lie, she got a little tipsy. Haha, right...

Monday, I had to work AGAIN, but I got of early so no harm. While I was at work they all went to the beach, I had already had enough of the sand.

We had taco night that night and just relaxed.

They left first thing Tuesday morning. All and all I think it was a great stay. I enjoyed every minute of it. I do wish my daddy could have come, but he had to work. I love and miss you very much Daddy.

Love and miss you guys already!

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