Monday, June 7, 2010

A Sad Day....

Hey ya'll. This is my first bad news blog, but in the effort of truly documenting out story, I feel like I have to post in memorium.

We went out of town for the weekend, and while we were gone, our puppy, Hank, got out of the house and got hit by a car. We came home early. It's been a sad couple of days.

We had some friends coming over a bunch to feed them and let them out, and I guess Hank was waiting by the door. As soon as our friend opened the door, he ran out of the house, and down the road. He walked out into the busy street, and that was it. Our friend said it was quick, so he didn't suffer. They buried him for us by the shed on the side of our house here.

He was a great little dog. So full of love anf life. He was the most wild bassett hound I've ever seen. He'd do laps around the house with those big ol' ears flapping around.

He loved to wrestle with his brother.

He just turned 1 in March. We got him when he was a month old. He wasn't the sharpest little guy, but he loved us and his brother Charlie fiercely.

We have alot of great memories from the past year with him. He was our little buddy. Charlie's little brother. They were the best of friends. Charlie is confused, and that breaks our hearts. He got to sleep in our bedroom last night, so that made him happy.

We had some really great friends here to take care of things for us. We are truly thankful for what ya'll did for us.

Our little family is down a number, but we're staying strong.
We miss him so terribly, but we hope he's happy wherever he his.

RIP Pirate Captain Hank Williams