Sunday, November 1, 2009

Brad's Parents Visit (Shrimpfest, Montgomery, Open Mic Nights), Baby Dylan, and Halloween

Hey ya'll! As usual, it's been too long between posts, so we're gonna sum it all up in one easy blog!

My parents came to visit on October 9th and spent 10 whole days here! We had a freakin blast!

We only spent a couple days at the beach, but we did so much else!

My Dad totally fixed our back porch screen and doors and we spent every night out there playing Spades.

Victoria and I never won a game, but we got rrrreeeealllly close every time.

We ate at Lamberts, went to Shrimpfest down at the public beach, and David and I played a couple good open mic nights at Floribama and Janna's Market.

Here's some pics to sum all that up.

Later on in the week Mom, Dad, Victoria, and I all got in the car and went to Montgomery to see Jamey Johnson at the Alabama National Fair. We were able to get my Uncle Dale and Aunt Christine to come with us! Jamey Johnson was amazing. Me and Dale snuck backstage after the show, but were quickly asked to leave... oh well.

We stayed at Aunt Christine and Uncle Dale's place in Prattville. We had a great time. We met up with my other Aunt and Uncle after the concert and we all went to IHOP, then went back to Dale's to sleep. We had a great time, and Victoria loved meeting my Dad's side of the family!

The next day, we headed back to Gulf Shores, and had a great couple-few days just hanging around.

When it came time for my folks to leave, I caught a ride back to St. Louis with them so I could try to be there for Brian and Sara to have their baby. My dad helped me fix my truck while I was home so I could drive it back down here. I could only stay a few days, so I missed it, but Dylan Patrick Hart was born weighing 7 lbs, 10 oz on Saturday October 24th. I left on Wednesday! Only missed it by 3 days... He had to stay in the NICU for a couple days but he got to go home healthy and happy on Tuesday! Brian and Sarabell are parents!

He looks like his daddy, God forgive him. haha kidding.

Anyway, on to Halloween! This blog is covering quite the span of time here...

We made this Halloween Gingerbread House! Isn't it the ugliest gingerbread house you've ever seen? We're really proud of it. Haha.

And we carved pumpkins...

Victoria and I were superheroes again! (cheap costumes!)

David and Shelly were too, though we didn't get a good pic of it.

We had alot of fun Halloween night! We didn't really have any money to go out anywhere so we stayed in with David and Shelly and had Victoria's friend Amy over. Her boyfriend's name is Ryan and they're always so fun, although they didn't dress up for Halloween....

We just hung out on the prch and played games and stuff. We didn't get any trick or treaters, so we got to eat all the candy we bought!

The girls throwing it up for Waylon Jennings.

I'm sure we missed a big party back home, but we had fun anyway. It was definitely the most low key halloween we've ever had!

Well, that about catches us up doesn't it? We love and miss all of you. Come visit us! We'll see ya'll at Christmas! BYYYYYYE!

OH! PS: Go to our music page here: BRAD JACKSON MUSIC and listen to the new songs! Alot more to come shortly!